

María Cristina de la Vega is certified as a Spanish<>English interpreter by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, The Supreme Court of the State of Florida and NAJIT (National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators).  She is a member of ATA (American Translators Association), where she authors a monthly column, “Interpreters Forum” in The Chronicle, ATA’s official publication, and NAJIT, where she has served on the board of directors, and is a contributor to Proteus, the association’s newsletter.  She is also a member of AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters).  Ms . de la Vega owns and is the founder of ProTranslating, Inc., a language services provider in Florida.  She holds an MBA from Florida International University. To see a more detailed profile in LinkedIn, click here. Her Twitter handle is MariaCdelaVega2.  Click here for the Musings FB page.

This blog is about topics related to language, interpreting and translation and the professionals who provide these services both in the U.S. and abroad. It also covers lessons in personal development learned through the author’s experience. It represents the views of the author only, from her standpoint as both a practicing interpreter,  owner of an established LSP since 1973 and seeker of many years.

Currently posts are generally scheduled to go out once a month but that sometimes varies. We love to hear from our readers so please comment on anything of interest and send in any and all suggestions. They are very welcome!

  1. Hola María Cristina:

    Gracias por tu invitación a través de NAJIT para conocernos por este medio.
    Soy Lina Drew, intérprete certificada en IN donde vivo y trabajo. No he tenido la oportunidad de asistir a las conferencias de NAJIT aún pero ya se va a dar pronto.
    Gracias por toda la energía que le ponés a nuestra profesión. Espero poder conocerte en persona en algún evento profesional.
    Todo lo mejor.

    Lina Drew

  2. Thank you for you good wishes. I hope to meet you soon personally. You will not regret attending any of our major industry events. They are valuable vehicles to participate in our profession.

  3. Dear María Cristina,

    Thank you so much for your suggestions about putting together some language neutral materials and submit them to Proteus. Do you know who I need to contact? I can’t believe how you manage to be on top of all these activities. I’m very glad that you are in the board of Directors of Najit and participating in the Najit list. We need people like you, with such a great energy as the one you transmit in your appreciation postings to my recent contributions. Thank you for injecting such a positive attitude and for inviting us all to your website. Gracias por la invitación a tu página. Me parece sensacional que haya más plataformas de conversación y consulta además de las conocidas. Por favor cuenta conmigo para cualquier cosa, y felicidades también por todo lo bueno que esté pasando en tu vida profesional y personal. Hasta pronto, querida María Cristina. Mi página en la red está en sus inicios, así que todavía no luce muy bien.


  4. Pilar, a call for papers goes out months before the annual meeting. You just need to put together a short abstract, usually less than 200 words, can’t remember off the top of my head. It is then submitted to a review board and you will be notified if it is accepted. I can tell from what little I have seen of how you write and the information, that you stand a great chance of being accepted. You may also consider applying to ATA for the same thing, if you belong to that association.

    Your best bet is to start thinking of a topic such as what you wrote about in your recent posts, and start putting your thoughts together, doing a draft of a Powerpoint slide presentation. You have a whole year to work on it and you might consider doing more than one presentation. One of the initiatives that I have suggested to the board is that we start offering webinars as ATA is doing.

    Please stay in touch!

  5. Yolanda France

    Maria Cristina,

    Breadth, content, style and organization: Your blog rocks!

    Very best regards,

  6. Sally Holland-Head

    MariaC: I have subscribed to your blog and hope to get updates weekly on our interesting life as Interpeters, Life Coaches, Comadres, Tele-Novela followers, Mexican-Salvadoran-Honduran-Colombia et al food eaters and most of all language INTERPETERS.
    I so appreciate this blog, because just think of this….only a handful of years ago we had no other way but phone calls, conferences,long distance, and working with… to connect with each other.
    Abrazos, y mil gracias….
    San Jose, Ca.

  7. Sally Holland-Head

    well, you know, we always spell it wrong..INTERPRETERS….
    I always slip thru those letters on the keyboard too quick…
    the brown fox jumped over the words and then interpreted
    them so well!

  8. Hola Mª Teresa,
    Muchas gracias por compartir tus conocimientos y tus experiencias a través de tu blog y de twitter.
    Te sigo desde España con mucho interés y aprendo mucho. 🙂
    Trabajo como intérprete – traductora jurada aquí en España a nivel local / nacional desde hace casi 9 años, sin embargo me gustaría saber tu opinión sobre si remitiera mis currículum a agencias americanas por ejemplo si sería de su interés. Me gustaría traducir temás jurídicos de ese ámbito al español, ¿me podrías aconsejar a dónde dirigirme, no sé muy bien a qué agencias o entidades? Si no te supone mucha molestia claro, te lo agradezco de antemano.
    Un cordial saludo,


    • Sarah,
      Muchas gracias por escribirme. En cuanto a otras agencias, no te puedo hablar. Pero te sugiero que hagas una búsqueda en la web en las ciudades donde hay más hispanos y que hagas una selección de las compañías que aparenten ser más serias. Te digo “aparenten” porque a veces es difícil juzgar en pantalla. En Nueva York está TransPerfect, una de las más grandes en EEUU. Otras ciudades son Houston, Los Angeles y Chicago. En Miami, nuestra compañía es la más grande. Para mandarnos tu CV, haz clic en ProTransating en mi blogroll. Cuando salga nuestra página haz clic en “CAREERS” y sigue las instrucciones. No es fácil saber si habrá interés por el gran número de traductores que hay en la nación pero la peor diligencia es la que no se trata.
      María Cristina

  9. Muchísimas gracias por la pronta respuesta María Cristina, es un punto de partida para comenzar a explorar al otro lado del océano. 🙂
    Seguiré tu consejo.
    Un cordial saludo desde España.

  10. Hello,

    The Top 100 Language Lovers 2012 competition hosted by the bab.la language portal and the Lexiophiles language blog has started and your blog has been nominated in the category professional language blogs. Congratulations! The nomination period goes until May 13th. Feel free to spread the word among other bloggers writing about languages or to suggest one blog yourself.

    Please email me so I have your contact details (stefanie [at] bab [dot] la) and send you information about the status of the competition and the badge.

    For further information on the Top 100 Language Lovers 2011 competition, visit http://www.lexiophiles.com/english/top-100-language-lovers-2012-nominate-your-favourite-now

    Best wishes,
    Stefanie for the bab.la and Lexiophiles team

  11. Hi Maria,
    Your blog is very wonderful.
    I am a Chinese-English conference interpreter based in Beijing, China.
    When you have the opportunity, please come to Bejing for a tour.
    I would like to receive your articles.
    When you have new articles, can you please send a copy to me?
    Many thanks!
    Jacken Zheng

  12. Dear Maria Cristina: As a subscriber of The ATA Chronicle magazine, I look forward to every issue because I love reading your column, it is full of realism and optimism at the same time, very empowering. By the way, thank you for your recommendation on The Super Brain by Deepak Chopra, I can not put it down!!!!!

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